In June of 2012, The First Church in Swampscott embarked upon an intentional, prayerful process to discern more fully its commitment to diversity and inclusion, with specific reference to many of the challenges faced by members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. On Sunday, April 6, 2014, The First Church congregation convened a special meeting during which a commitment to the LGBT community was ratified by adopting the following “Open and Affirming Covenant.”
Through this public statement, and as a member of the UCC’s ONA network, The First Church publically avows its commitment to including members of the LGBT community in all aspects of its worship, witness, and mission.
As Jesus teaches us, the two most important commandments are these: To love our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. As Christians, we believe that there is no commandment greater than these. As an ONA congregation, we choose to live out these commandments to the fullest. Please come and join us on this journey of radical welcome and inclusion!
We seek to uphold our covenant by worshipping God, accepting Christ into our lives, celebrating the sacraments, guided in our daily lives by the scriptures and the example set forth by Jesus.
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